


     .Located in the heart of Sydney’s Inner-West 5km from the CBD between Annandale and Leichhardt, the city’s infamous alternative hub 

    Check out the UPCOMING EVENTS for our band listing.

    An extensive state-of-the-art lighting system including movers, strobes, LED strips, smoke machines, countless par cans, projectors and screens - The Stag’s ability to provide the best live music experience is unmatched. Live @ Thewall has a showcase of Live Bands ,Local and overseas Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.


    LIVE @ THEWALL  Live bands all week


     The Stag has been a Sydney institution since 1840. Click here for a view of the upcomming bands at Live @ Thewall

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Dorry Kartabani
Phone: (02) 9572 6322
Email: dk@bigtreeartists.com


Drew Tourle
Phone: 0414 770 482
Email: drewtourle@gmail.com


The Stag is one of Sydney's oldest pubs. Local haunt of the Toohey’s Brothers (who loved the beast so much they chose it as the logo for there now famous beer), The Stag has been a Sydney institution since 1840.

Located in the heart of Sydney’s Inner-West 5km from the CBD between Annandale and Leichhardt, the city’s infamous alternative hub, The Stag plays host to a diverse range of musical acts most nights of the week. Ranging from Rock, Indie, Pop, Jazz, Blues, Electro, Metal and absolutely everything in between. Check out the UPCOMING EVENTS for our band listing.

With the inclusion of a new dual Nexo Alpha E system (same as Metro Theatre, Manning Bar, Enmore Theatre and Gaelic Club) and an extensive state-of-the-art lighting system including movers, strobes, LED strips, smoke machines, countless par cans, projectors and screens - The Stag’s ability to provide the best live music experience is unmatched.


Not only is The Stag now known as one of the best rooms in Sydney to play, visitors and patrons of the venue can enjoy an authentic pub meal from the bistro, or relax with a ‘cold one’ in the fully equipped, sun-soaked outdoor beer garden. Complete with TAB, an outdoor VIP room, professional Vegas pool tables and bistro, The Stag is your complete entertainment experience.