Wiseman’s Circus, a Sydney based original Delta Blues / Soul / Southern Rock band founded in 2011; just finished recording their new EP, Black Hound. They will begin their 2013 tour at the EP launch, 23rd August beginning at7.00 pm at The Bald Faced Stag,345 Parramatta Rd, Leichhardt/Sydney, New South Wales. Warm up bands include The Letter Tellers, Sugar sun, Little Big Wolf and Jetson Manic.

Wiseman’s Circus’s new EP combines the musical talents of Ben Chakravorty, Glen Geerin, Nicholas Perkins, Dave Long and Dave Bennett, with globally-recognised female vocalists, Rebecca Houlihan, and gutsy female blues singer Mishka De Valliere as special guest for this event.

The band was recently featured in the Guitarists to Watch column in the Australian Guitar Magazine.  (See for details)

Style: The soul-searching lyrics, stylised bass, fuzzed-up slide guitar techniques of Ben Chakravorty and the engaging gutsy female vocalists of this group provide a dirty-delta New Orleans style blues sound that has been compared to the mammoth 11-piece heavy blues rock beast, Tedeschi Trucks Band, of Jacksonville, Florida. Proving a band doesn’t need a dozen members to create this grove, the band won praises in the current issue of The Australian Guitar Magazine.  This six piece band is sure to please music lovers and anyone fond of gutsy female vocalists such as Janis Joplin and Melissa Etheridge.

Arrive at 7 pm to hear the fantastic line up of bands and mingle with the members of Wiseman’s Circus. The new EP will be available for purchase on the 23rd August ($10 at the event), with individual tracks available on ITunes, including previously released singles, Magic Mama and Are You Talking to Me.  Door prizes will also be given.

The Sydney five-piece have used their six-track EP as a chance to whittle their influence into a brilliant homage to the greats… an altogether pleasing listen”…. Emily Swanson Australian Guitar Magazine

Tickets can be purchased online at


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